When Should I Replace My Heater?

In a perfect world, heaters would last forever and never need to be replaced. Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. You can and should take excellent care of your heater, in an effort to make it last as long as possible. No matter what you do, however, you will eventually have to have…

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What Is Short-Cycling?

Short-cycling is one of the most damaging behaviors that a furnace can experience, causing all sorts of problems in other parts of the system and increasing the chance of a complete breakdown. It is characterized by the system rapidly turning itself on and off over and over again for a long period of time. Let’s…

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Are There Any Furnace Repairs I Can Do Myself?

With so many DIY classes, shows and kits available to homeowners, it can seem like just about any home repair can be handled by doing it yourself. Unfortunately, this isn’t really true, especially when it comes to whole-home systems like your heating. This is because whole-home systems are complex, electro-mechanical devices that require training, expertise…

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Signs It’s Time for Commercial Heating Repair

Commercial heating isn’t actually that different from home heating in terms of construction and operation. The basic mechanisms are the same, it’s just the scale that is different. As such, many of the signs that indicate a need for repair in a home heating system can be found in commercial heating systems as well. Let’s…

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How Can I Tell I Need Heating Repair?

Considering our mild winters here in Austin, TX, it can be tough determining when your heater is in need of repairs. Obvious signs like an inability to turn it on are easy enough to diagnose—but not all symptoms are so clear-cut. If you can spot those smaller symptoms, you can get an early jump on…

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Common Electric Furnace Repairs

Electric furnaces have become a popular choice with homeowners over the last few years, in part because of their high energy efficiency and somewhat longer lifespan. But as with any other heating system, an electric furnace will most likely need some kind of repair at some point. Because of the way they work, there are…

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Repairs a Ductless Heating System May Need

Ductless systems are a unique and effective way to heat your home. Like all heating systems, however, they occasionally run into issues. Ductless heating systems are not combustion-based, so a lot of the problems they experience are very different from your standard boiler or furnace problems. Let’s take a deeper look at the repairs a ductless heating…

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