Get Your Older Thermostat Replaced

Everyone wants their heating system and air conditioning system to function more effectively, and to do their jobs without costing more than they should. But replacing an entire system is expensive, and as long as it continues to run reliably, that’s not usually a step that homeowners wish to take. However, HVAC systems consist of more than just the heaters or air conditioners themselves, and while buying a whole new system is expensive, making sensible upgrades here and there isn’t.

Consider, for example, your thermostat, which acts as your control panel for the entire system. Most thermostats can do their jobs for many years without complaint, and if you’ve had yours for a long time, congratulations.

But there have been some exciting advances made in the past few years, and if you have an older thermostat, you might want to think about replacing it even if it continues to work effectively.


Most thermostats are digital, though very old models may still be running on a mercury switch. If you have such a thermostat in your home, replacing it is a necessity, not a luxury. Mercury is dangerous and should not be in the home at all.

Beyond that, the main reasons for replacing a perfectly good thermostat come down to added convenience and improved savings. New developments in the field can ensure plenty of both. Why? The internet has changed all of our lives and new thermostats often take advantage of that in surprising ways.

For example, consider a thermostat that keeps track of updated meteorological conditions and makes small adjustments based on humidity levels to help your heater and air conditioner function more effectively. Other features keep your thermostat connected to the web and allow you to control it remotely from anywhere in the world via an app on your smartphone. That means making changes to start and stop times, raising and lowering temperature levels, and even correcting mistakes when you go on vacation, all with just a few taps of your phone screen.

Other features aren’t contingent upon a Wi-Fi connection. Smart programming, for instance, allows the thermostat to analyze your heating and cooling patterns and then make adjustments to more effectively use your HVAC system.


The convenience of such features is self-evident, but there’s another advantage that doesn’t get noticed as much. By improving the performance of your HVAC system and cutting down on waste, a new thermostat can lower the cost of your monthly bills. Moreover, it reduces wear and tears on the system itself, lowering the chances of a major breakdown. And since your new thermostat will likely be in place for many years, that reduced strain could add months or even years to your HVAC system’s lifespan. It’s not hard for such savings to easily outpace the initial cost of the new thermostat.

If your thermostat is more than ten years old, call Intelligent Air Services to discuss replacement options. We can install a new thermostat in homes throughout the Georgetown, TX area.