Is it Time for a New Thermostat?

You might not realize how much of a luxury your home’s thermostat is until things start going wrong. Your thermostat essentially acts as a line of communication between you and your HVAC system, ensuring your home is set to your preferred temperature and keeping you and your household comfortable at all times. As the seasons…

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What is Floating Around Your Home?

When we think of pollutants, we typically think of outdoor pollution, but indoor air quality is just as crucial to our everyday lives. The quality of the air you breathe inside your home is critical for good health. As most of us are still spending a significant amount of time inside our homes, the air…

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Old Furnace Broken in Mid-Winter? Here’s What to Do

When your home’s elderly furnace decides that today, in the middle of winter, is the day to fail, it’s not fun. Depending on the outdoor temperature, your first concern may be staying warm. You can find tips around the internet for temporary ways for your family to keep warm until the heating problem is resolved. Our…

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Bad Thermostat, Bad Heating—The Basic Facts

When you rely on your heating system during our short winters, you expect the heater to, well, heat. If the heater isn’t providing sufficient warmth in the house, is heating some parts unevenly, or won’t come on at all, you’ll probably assume there’s a mechanical or electrical failure somewhere in the heater itself. But a large…

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Does My Heat Pump Need Maintenance for Winter?

Heat pumps are great for the climate here in Austin. During the heat of the middle of the year, a heat pump is as powerful as the best air conditioning system. When temperatures cool down enough that a house needs a bit of warmth, a heat pump shifts smoothly into heating mode—and uses much less electricity to…

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The Most Important Repair Your Furnace May Need!

During the short winter season when you run your gas furnace, your main concern will be that it works the way it should and provides the heat necessary for household comfort. Safety, however, is another concern. We don’t want to be alarmist and make you think the gas furnace in your house is a constant…

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Is Duct Sealing Beneficial at All?

Unless you live in an older home that doesn’t have any ductwork, you rely daily on the unseen air channels set into the walls and ceilings of your house. Because you can’t see these air ducts, it’s easy for you to forget about them and believe they’ll just take care of themselves. The suggestion of duct…

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