Alternative Types of HVAC System

Alternative Heating and Cooling Systems ​Most people in the area use traditional centralized heating and air conditioning systems to keep their homes comfortable. A furnace generates hot air and an AC cold air—both in a centralized location—which is then blown through the ducts in the house with a fan. They’re inexpensive, comparatively simple, and easy…

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Why Use Modular Units for Commercial HVAC Systems?

Residential air conditioners usually consist of a single unit that cools the air and then blows it through the ducts in the home with a fan. Commercial spaces are larger, however, and often have unique heating and cooling needs. While most of them use ducts to move the cool air around just like residential systems…

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Furnace Repair Issues Can Be Detected Now

Winter arrives slowly in the Austin area, and even at its worst, it doesn’t get nearly as cold in our neck of the woods as it does further north. Nevertheless, we need our heating systems to keep warm on the chilly winter nights, and chances are you’ve already had to run your heater more than…

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Air Conditioning Repairs Shouldn’t Wait Until Spring

Cooler weather has arrived, and while we still get a few periods of intermittent heat here in Southern Texas, most homeowners have turned off their air conditioners and turned on their heaters. It can be easy to ignore any lingering signs of trouble with your air conditioning system: things you may have ignored over the…

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Keep Your Home Clean with a MicroPure Air Filter

Most of us focus quite rightly on temperature control when it comes to home comfort: keeping our households cool in the heat of the summer and warm on those chilly winter nights. But that’s not the only thing we should factor in when it comes to a healthy and comfortable home. Indoor air quality plays…

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Get your Whole HVAC System Serviced

As summer turns to autumn, local residents are going to be using their air conditioners less and less and their heating systems more and more. This makes it an excellent time of the year to schedule maintenance for both halves of your HVAC system. It will do both of them good and can help ensure…

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