Do You Need a New Heating System?

Summers are long here in the Austin, TX area, and tend to last well into September. Sooner or later, however, the temperatures will drop, and you’ll be turning off your air conditioning system in favor of your heating system. Before you do, however, you may want to think about the overall age of your system.…

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UV Purifiers Make for Cleaner Air

Summers mean muggy air and lots of germs, with everything from mold spores to bacteria and germs floating around just waiting to make our lives miserable. Each unwelcome invader can enter a home extremely easily and remain trapped there for some time. We rarely open our doors and window during the hotter months, after all,…

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When to Replace an Older Air Conditioner

Air conditioners are designed to last for many years, and with proper care and maintenance, you can stretch that timetable much further. But sooner or later every system needs to be replaced, and with our summers longer and hotter than ever, you may be forced to make that decision in the middle of a blazing heatwave. The…

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3 Ways to Lower Your Cooling Costs

Summers in south Texas are hot and humid, which puts your air conditioner in the position of having to perform all day every day in most cases. Ideally, your system will be up for the challenge, though in most cases, higher energy bills are inevitable during the summer months. Be careful, however, that the inevitable…

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Commercial Air Conditioning Service is Vital

Residences in our area spend a lot of time and money keeping their systems running smoothly. A Texas summer is nothing to fool around with, and the more reliable a home air conditioner is the better. That goes doubly so for commercial air conditioning systems, which have a larger load and must work even more…

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Is There Frost on Your AC Coils?

With higher temperatures arriving, you’re going to be using your air conditioner more and more often. That makes this time of year a perfect time to check for trouble with your system. Only a trained professional can diagnose trouble with your air conditioner the right way, but you can do yourself a favor by looking…

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